Sweet Shirtdress

I believe it’s been at least a couple months since I’ve sewn any garments for myself, and I’m so glad I took a break to make myself a shirtdress.  Thanks to Idle Fancy’s sewing challenge, I made McCall’s 6696, and I love it.

I honestly haven’t sewn very many Big Four sewing patterns; looking back, it seems I’ve stuck to independent pattern companies and vintage patterns.  And also BurdaStyle.  I really loved those instant download pdfs from Burda when I was first getting back into sewing.  Anyway, I am quite pleased with this McCall’s pattern.   This is the first pattern I’ve used where you can select your cup size and the corresponding bodice pattern piece.  It worked out quite well for me.



I did make two adjustments right out of the gate: I shortened the bodice 1″ and cut off the sleeve cap ease.  I don’t like easing sleeves in, and why should I?  I contemplated raising the armscye as well but decided to try it out as is first.



I feel the fit is quite good.  The dress is comfortable and I can move freely.  I will probably raise the armscye for future versions, but I’m pleased I can indeed move well enough as the dress is now.



I’m a little wrinkled in these photos because I was out running errands, and as you can see, I’m wearing slippers.  It turns out I don’t have much selection in winter footwear.  I’m a jeans and boots kind of gal in winter, and I have flats in red and maroon because those colors go great with blue jeans too.


So now I’m curious, what do you all wear on your feet with a dress in winter?  I need some suggestions, stat!


Chris was a dear and took my photos so that I didn’t have to mess with the tripod today.  And that meant my hands were free to bring Lucy and one of my clutches.



I was excited to see, after finishing this navy blue clutch, that it matched with this plaid fabric.  And that is truly why I finished this dress when I did–something to go with my new favorite purse.  For those who may not know, I’ve been sewing leather of late, and that’s why I haven’t been sewing clothes.   You can check out some of my other purses in my etsy shop.


I hope to blog a little more about sewing leather and purses in the next couple months, so if that interests you at all, keep an eye out, or better yet, let me know in the comments.


  1. Impeccably sewn as usual! I love the madras plaid and of course your dog. :) In the winter, I wear boots mostly with dresses and skirts. If it’s warmer or I’m wearing tights I’ll also wear ballet flats. At home, I’m usually in slippers (like yours) or uggs. I actually thought your slippers were mocs — people seem to be wearing those out a lot now.

    1. They are mocs with a fuzzy lining. And I do wear them out, but I must admit I feel a little sloppy wearing them out, especially with a dress. What I really want to wear with this dress is some Hasbeens!! ;)

      1. Hasbeens are perfect for dresses! It’s been a bit chilly here for me to want to be bare legged, but I’ve seen some people wear them with tights, so I may try that. :)

  2. Wonderful job! Better construction than what you see on RTW :) As far as dresses in winter, depending on how cold it is, either fleece lined tights with boots or regular tights and boots. Even with shirt dresses, the tights/boots combo go great!

    1. I think I need more boots then! :) I don’t fancy my western style boots with dresses; I know many girls pull off the look, but I’ve never been comfortable going that route. I may have to expand my boot collection.

  3. Your dress looks really nice! The fabric is so pretty, and feels nice and cheerful for winter! I have to admit that I normally live in pants and knee-high boots in winter; if I feel like wearing a dress or skirt and the boots don’t work with it, I usually wear my wellies and bring along a cute pair of shoes, or just abandon the outfit altogether!

    (Is your pup a Cattle Dog???? She’s so cute!)

  4. Would love to see more about your leather accessories! I love seeing them on Instagram and I’m always in awe. They look awesome.
    This dress would look super cute with some tights and a cute pair of shoes or boots.

  5. Soooooooooo cute!!!!!! Where did you get that beautiful fabric? It’s the perfect plaid! And the button color is perfection.

    I’m not the best to ask for shoe advice, I was wearing flip flops up until last week and now I’m wearing Converse :p

    Question for you, in your shop would you ever sell any vegan leather? Because if you did I would be interested in ordering something… :)

    1. Thanks Erin, the fabric is from Hancock Fabrics. If only I’d taken photos the day before, I coulda pulled out the sandals–it was 70 degrees.

      I would totally be down to work with vegan leather; I will look into sourcing some. I practiced with vinyl when I first got my machine, but it was yucky to work with. What I’ve seen locally (at Hancock) is not all that great. As with clothes, the quality of the material makes all the difference in the end product, so I’ll be on the lookout for quality alternatives. Have you come across any vegan leathers??

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